Due to inventory shortages, Please call for availability on Dog Food! 

Gourmet Rewards Lite Bites make for a satisfying treat with tasty flavor and crunchy texture, without any guilt. Feed these low-calorie bites as a yummy reward or helpful training aid. Each dog biscuit treat is made with high quality lamb protein, ancient grains like oatmeal for heart health, and superfoods like pumpkin and sweet potato to help support a fit lifestyle for your dog. These pea-free crunchy treats are proudly made in family-owned kitchens located right here in the USA.

Item # UPC Description/Size Sold As Qty Break Price Quantity Stock Status
846569G --- 3 lb. Unit or Case/8 1 Login
In Stock
846579G 34846550467 20 lb. Unit or Pallet/24 1 Login
In Stock