Food & Fertilizer

Products 1-48 of 56
ferti•lome® Tomato & Pepper Set RTU ferti•lome®, Tomato, Pepper, Set, RTU, Cytokinin, kinetin, biological, activity, natural, plant, hormone
Price: Login
Availability: In Stock
VPGâ„¢ Item #: 945301 -

    ferti•lome® Yield Booster ferti•lome®, Yield, Booster, plant, food, fertilizer, water, soluble, plant, food, Calcium, Chloride, VPG
    Price: Login
    Availability: In Stock
    VPGâ„¢ Item #: 945002 -

      ferti•lome® Yield Booster RTU ferti•lome®, Yield, Booster, RTU, fertilizer, plant, food, VPG, water, soluble, Calcium, Chloride
      Price: Login
      Availability: In Stock
      VPGâ„¢ Item #: 945003 -

        Garden Basket 13-13-13 Garden Basket 13-13-13, American, Plant, Food, fertilizer, vegetable, 13-13-13, added, Magnesium, Sulfur, Iron, Zinc, ideal, before, planting, side, dress, growing, higher, rates, leafy, vegetables, lettuce, cabbage, spinach, lower, tomatoes, squash, Water, well, fertilizing, lose, dark, green, color, maturity
        Price: Login
        Availability: In Stock
        American Plant Food Item #: 864006 -

          Hi-Yield® Agricultural Limestone Hi-Yield® Agricultural Limestone, fertilizer, soil acidifier, calcium replacer, plant food, limestone
          Price: Login
          Availability: In Stock
          VPGâ„¢ Item #: 947600 -

            Hi-Yield® All Purpose Fertilizer 6-7-7 Hi-Yield® All Purpose Fertilizer 6-7-7, plant food, dry plant food, tree food, plant fertilizer, rose fertilizer
            Price: Login
            Availability: In Stock
            VPGâ„¢ Item #: 947006 -

              Hi-Yield® Aluminum Sulfate Hi-Yield® Aluminum Sulfate, aluminum sulfate, fertilizer, plant food, soil acidifier, tree and shrub fertilizer,  Hydrangeas fertilizer
              Price: Login
              Availability: Out of Stock
              VPGâ„¢ Item #: T-00326 -

                Hi-Yield® Ammonium Calcium Nitrate
                Price: Login
                Availability: In Stock
                VPGâ„¢ Item #: 947119 -

                  Hi-Yield® Ammonium Sulfate 21-0-0 Hi-Yield® Ammonium Sulfate 21-0-0, nitrogen, sulfur, plant food, fertilizer, plant fertilizer, soil acidifier
                  Price: Login
                  Availability: In Stock
                  VPGâ„¢ Item #: 947120 -

                    Hi-Yield® Blood Meal 12-0-0 Hi-Yield® Blood Meal 12-0-0, fertilizer, natural fertilizer, nitrogen, garden fertilizer, vegetable fertilizer, plant food, flower food
                    Price: Login
                    Availability: Out of Stock
                    VPGâ„¢ Item #: T-00327 -

                      Hi-Yield® Garden Fertilizer 8-10-8 732221320864, Hi-Yield® Garden Fertilizer 8-10-8, vegetable fertilizer, flower fertilizer, plant food, general purpose plant food, tree and shrub food, ornamental plant food
                      Price: Login
                      Availability: In Stock
                      VPGâ„¢ Item #: 947113 -

                        Hi-Yield® Garden Fertilizer 8-10-8 (3.25 lb.)
                        Price: Login
                        Availability: Out of Stock
                        VPGâ„¢ Item #: 947112 -

                          Hi-Yield® Horticultural Hydrated Lime Hi-Yield®, Horticultural, Hydrated, Lime, Corrects, soil, acidity, helps, loosen, heavy, clay, soils, Increases, pH, used, keep, down, odor, Flies, around, stables, outhouses, Supplies, Calcium, plants, microorganisms
                          Price: Login
                          Availability: Out of Stock
                          VPGâ„¢ Item #: T-00322 -

                            Hi-Yield® Horticultural Hydrated Lime (4 lb.)
                            Price: Login
                            Availability: Out of Stock
                            VPGâ„¢ Item #: 947621 -

                              Hi-Yield® Iron Plus Soil Acidifier 11-0-0 Hi-Yield, Hi Yield, Iron Plus Soil, Acidifier, 11-0-0, Fertilizer, Green, Plants, Grass, No Burn, Yellow to Green, Fertilome, ferti•lome, VPG, 32257
                              Price: Login
                              Availability: In Stock
                              VPGâ„¢ Item #: 947911 -

                                Hi-Yield® Iron Sulfate - 4 lb. Hi-Yield, Hi Yield, Iron Sulfate, 4 lb, Fertilizer, ferti•lome, Fertilome, chlorosis, yellowing, prevention, Acid, Soil, VPG, Lawn, Garden, 32340
                                Price: Login
                                Availability: In Stock
                                VPGâ„¢ Item #: 947913 -

                                  Hi-Yield® Magnesium Sulfate Hi-Yield® Magnesium Sulfate, fertilizer, plant food, correcting plant chlorosis, palm food, hydrangea food, plant fertilizer, Magnesium, Sulfur, epsom salts
                                  Price: Login
                                  Availability: In Stock
                                  VPGâ„¢ Item #: 948055 -

                                    Hi-Yield® Muriate of Potash 0-0-60 Hi-Yield® Muriate of Potash 0-0-60, fertilizer, vegetable fertilizer, plant food, potassium
                                    Price: Login
                                    Availability: In Stock
                                    VPGâ„¢ Item #: 947164 -

                                      Hi-Yield® Pecan and Fruit Tree Fertilizer 12-4-4 732221333475, 732221320666, Hi-Yield® Pecan and Fruit Tree Fertilizer 12-4-4, nut tree fertilizer, fruit tree fertilizer, pecan tree fertilizer, plant food, tree food, fertilizer
                                      Price: Login
                                      Availability: Out of Stock
                                      VPGâ„¢ Item #: 947197 -

                                        Hi-Yield® Rose Fertilizer 6-8-6 Hi-Yield® Rose Fertilizer 6-8-6, rose food, plant food, rose fertilizer, fertilizer
                                        Price: Login
                                        Availability: In Stock
                                        VPGâ„¢ Item #: 947198 -

                                          Hi-Yield® Soil Sulfur Hi-Yield® Soil Sulfur, fertilizer, soil acidifier, plant food, sulfur
                                          Price: Login
                                          Availability: In Stock
                                          VPGâ„¢ Item #: 947200 -

                                            Hi-Yield® Super Phosphate 0-18-0 Hi-Yield® Super Phosphate 0-18-0, Phosphorous, fertilizer, plant food, plant fertilizer
                                            Price: Login
                                            Availability: Out of Stock
                                            VPGâ„¢ Item #: 947210 -

                                              Hi-Yield® Tomato & Vegetable Food 4-10-6 Hi-Yield® Tomato & Vegetable Food 4-10-6, plant food, vegetable food, tomato fertilizer, vegetable fertilizer, fertilizer
                                              Price: Login
                                              Availability: In Stock
                                              VPGâ„¢ Item #: 947330 -

                                                Hi-Yield® Triple Super Phosphate 0-45-0 Hi-Yield® Triple Super Phosphate 0-45-0, ertilizer, plant food, plant fertilizer, phosphate
                                                Price: Login
                                                Availability: In Stock
                                                VPGâ„¢ Item #: 947220 -

                                                  Hi-Yield® Weed & Feed 15-0-10 with Trimec® Hi-Yield®, Weed, Feed, 15-0-10, Trimec®, VPG,  killer, fertilizer, herbicide, lawn,  broadleaf, post-emergent
                                                  Price: Login
                                                  Availability: Out of Stock
                                                  VPGâ„¢ Item #: 947225 -

                                                    Hi-Yield® Zinc Sulfate Hi-Yield® Zinc Sulfate, fertilizer, fruit tree fertilizer, rosette on pecans, dry fertilizer, tree food, plant food
                                                    Price: Login
                                                    Availability: In Stock
                                                    VPGâ„¢ Item #: 948014 -

                                                      IKES® Pasture Booster Prime 18-3-6
                                                      Price: Login
                                                      Availability: In Stock
                                                      IKES Item #: 578006 -

                                                        K-8 Lawn 15-5-10 K-8, Lawn, 15-5-10, American, Plant, Food, fertilizer, yard, 15-5-10, Blend, six, added, nutrients, Magnesium, Sulfur, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Zinc, St. Augustine, Bermuda, Blue Grass, Buffalo, grasses, 40 lb., bag, per, 5,000, square, feet, early, spring, grass, first, starts, green, repeat, throughout, summer, months, appearance, Fall, applications, recommended, Water, after, fertilizing
                                                        Price: Login
                                                        Availability: In Stock
                                                        American Plant Food Item #: 864004 -

                                                          Martins® Nullify A/P Martins, Martins, Nullify, A/P, AP, Herbicide, water-soluble, Glufosinate, 24.5%, Perennial grass, broadleaf weeds, Control, Weed Control, foliar spray
                                                          Price: Login
                                                          Availability: In Stock
                                                          Control Solutions Item #: 012232 -

                                                            Medina® HastaGro 12-4-8 Lawn Medina®, HastaGro, 12-4-8, Lawn, fertilizer, liquid, yard, Food, Plus, convenient, ready-mix, formulation, 10, minutes, contains, blend, quality, natural, Soil, Activator, Humate, Liquid, Humus,  green-up, nutrients, absorbed, leaves, minutes, Avoid, messes, chemical, hazards, harsh, vigorous, spring, fall, Stimulates, organisms
                                                            Price: Login
                                                            Availability: Out of Stock
                                                            Medina® Item #: T-00714 -

                                                              Medina® HastaGro 6-12-6 Plant Food Medina®, HastaGro, 6-12-6, Plant, Food, liquid, fertilizer, Three, products, high-quality, N-P-K, plus, stimulate, biological, activity, HuMate, humic, acid, improve, soil, structure, improving, nutrient, uptake, seaweed, extracts, stimulate, fruiting, blooming, ideal, foliar, applications, absorbed, directly, Low-salt, low, chemical, formulation, prevents, leaf, burn, Nitrogen, clean, urea, sources, complexed, Promotes, Excellent, transplanting
                                                              Price: Login
                                                              Availability: Out of Stock
                                                              Medina® Item #: T-00482 -

                                                                Medina® Horticulture Molasses Medina®, Horticulture, Molasses, plant, food, natural, fertilizer, liquid, pasture, natural, food, source, indigenous, microbial, populations, soil, recommended, plants, crops, Turf, compatible, natural, biological, soil, stimulators
                                                                Price: Login
                                                                Availability: Out of Stock
                                                                Medina® Item #: T-00712 -

                                                                  Medina® HuMate Humic Acid Medina®, HuMate, Humic, Acid, fertilizer, liquid, plant, food, humus, concentrated, compost, natural, gardening, enthusiasts, build, quality, structure, soil, without, chemical, deep, below, ground’s, surface, matter, composted, hundreds, thousands, years, humus, plant-to soil, relationships, increases, uptake, chelates, trace, minerals, key, product, high-production, soils, biological, compounds, synthesized, plants, organisms, supplies, essential, humic, material, improved, soil, structure, formation, Improves, moisture, retention, Enhances, nitrogen, nutrient, release, Provides, micro, macro, nutrients, Improves, soil, physical, properties, Holds, exchangeable
                                                                  Price: Login
                                                                  Availability: Out of Stock
                                                                  Medina® Item #: T-00713 -

                                                                    Medina® Liquid Seaweed Medina®, Liquid, Seaweed, germinator, root, developer, all-natural, germination, root, development, naturally, occurring, hormones, stimulate, fruiting, blooming, root, growth, transplant, aid, foliar, spray, soil, drench, grow, more, vegetables, make, flowering, plants, blooms
                                                                    Price: Login
                                                                    Availability: Out of Stock
                                                                    Medina® Item #: T-00481 -

                                                                      Medina® Micronutrients Medina®, Micronutrients, blend, clays, extracted, mines, central, Mexico, plus, microelement, high, Cationic, Exchange, Capacity, CEC, microelements, gradually, released, made, highly, available, supplying, essential, Iron, zinc, Sulfur, stimulate, color, vigor, promote, maximum, root, depth, NPK, optimum, fertility, program, Greens, up, yellow, lawns, Environmentally, safe
                                                                      Price: Login
                                                                      Availability: In Stock
                                                                      Medina® Item #: 600990 -