Due to inventory shortages, Please call for availability on Dog Food! 

CanineX Chicken Protein performance nutrition supports active canines & growing puppies, including large & giant breed puppies. This cutting-edge formula targets performance, strength & endurance. High-quality chicken protein, a natural source of Glucosamine & Chondroitin for joint health, helps provide strength & energy needed for high intensity work. L-Carnitine helps support muscle development & fat utilization, boosting performance & increasing strength. DHA aids in brain & eye development.

Made without corn, wheat, soy or by-products, CanineX is an excellent grain & gluten-free alternative diet for any active dog. Fortified with balanced Omega-6 & Omega-3 fatty acids, CanineX helps support healthy vision, skin and hair coat. Make CanineX high performance, high protein dog food the foundation for your dog’s long-term health.

Item # UPC Description/Size Sold As Qty Break Price Quantity Stock Status
846093 34846703108

Unit or Pallet/45

1 Price: Login
In Stock

Unit or Pallet/45